The first photo is in my bathroom. For those of you that share my love of fine paper products, you will appreciate that I am determined to never run out. On the left is a roll of Bounty paper towels, the "quicker picker-upper." I honestly don't know how people survived before the Bounty towel. On the right are a couple rolls of Cottenelle. It's not my preferred brand, just the best available. I am still looking for a place where I can buy some Quilted Northern.
The bottom picture is some delicious chicken stir-fry that I made on Saturday night. It was so good I had the leftovers on Sunday night. This was the first time I cooked in the new apartment. All I have is a stove (no oven), so I am somewhat limited in my options. I do have a nice microwave, so I will get by. By the way, if you are admiring my silverware and dishes, they can be found at the local Super Wal-Mart.