Tuesday, April 17, 2007

On the inside looking out

I could write for hours tonight, but I realize only my Mom would read it, and I also have a ton of homework to do and a test tomorrow. I just got back from having a talk with my friend Rebecca*. She is a freshman that reminds me way too much of another freshman I once knew.

Being a Christ-follower in today's world means we're often going to feel like outsiders (not in the S.E. Hinton classic sort of way). We are called to be different and many times it is painfully obvious just how different we are. Lately my heart has been continually broken as I meet more and more students who are searching for life and meaning and purpose, and I have realized that I am not on the outside; they are.

As followers of Christ we are insiders to the greatest love in the history of the world. We've got what everyone is searching for. Christ entrusted eleven men with spreading this to the world, and 2000 years later it's our calling and priviledge to continue to spread it. How do we do that? We love people. On the night before he was killed, Jesus told his disciples to love one another, and to love others as he has loved us.

Let's get back to Rebecca. She is searching for life, and for love, and she doesn't know where to look. Tonight I pointed her in the right direction. It may take a while, I pray not too long, but I want her on the inside, and so does God. I have hope for her, but what breaks my heart is knowing there are a half-million Rebeccas crying themselves to sleep tonight in my city, and 10 million more across Mexico. How many live in your town? How many do you talk to everyday?

We've been entrusted with a gift. We've been called to spread the love. Who do you need to love today? Who is your Rebecca? Open the door for someone on the outside. Shine the light. Show the love. There's plenty of room up in here.

*Names have been changed to protect the guilty


At 3:08 PM, Blogger Outbck844 said...

It might have been a little delayed, but I'm sure I would have read it as well. Take care.


At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right that I would read it!
But most of all...you are right about the gift!
The precious treasure that has no limit!
Thank you once again for reminding me, challenging me to be ready, to watch, to share His love with purpose and resolve!
I love you!
as always,

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

It's true... we are on the inside looking out. And, those on the outside are looking in. What they see of us should reflect Christ... It's amazing to me how often we as Christians look much like the outside... however, we are completly different-new creations... it's challenging to live like that. We can only do it with the guide that Christ gave us... the Holy Spirit- guiding us each step of the way- being our words, loving others through us... and ultimatly glorifying God in everything!

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Josh, for being passionate for God! It's an encouragement to be reminded who we are in God's eyes, and what really matters in life.
P.S. This is Tim from TAMIU in Laredo. I don't have a google account so I had to publish it anonymous.

At 6:17 AM, Blogger Madge said...

Hey! your mom is not the only one who reads your blog! I like the insight, truth and joy with which you write.
Blessings on you day today,

At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i´ve been thinking about it....and you are right... and every minute is people dying without Jesús in the world..that is when we feel the passion for those people who doesn´t know Jesus.
God bless you

Tanya Delgado

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Steve Young said...

Great Insight, Josh. I'm gonna miss you guys!

Steve Young


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