Saturday, December 10, 2005

Not tame, but good.

I just returned to campus after going to see Narnia with about 57 friends of mine. It was awesome! Just go see it. It is true to the book, very entertaining, and has a powerful message. I think Clive Staples would have liked it, namely because people will see Jesus in this movie.

At the end, Lucy and Mr. Tumnus (the fawn) are talking about Aslan. As they watch Aslan leave Narnia, Tumnus says, "After all, he isn't a tame lion." Lucy responds, "But he's good." That hit home. The life God calls us to is not tame. It is wild, unpredictable, and sometimes dangerous...but it is good.

May we never be tame Christians, living safely inside the walls of our comfort zones. My prayer is that I will step outside everyday, take Jesus at his word and by his hand, as I go further up and further in, pushing back the unknown and unreached in total dependence on Christ.