Sunday, March 05, 2006

Visit to Torreon.

I had a really great time last week visiting with some guys from my church who were in Torreon, Mexico on a volunteer mission trip. Below are some pictures.

This first shot is me and Tim at the guys' hotel, Rio Nazas. It was a really nice place, and a lot cheaper than hotels in Monterrey!

This shot is of Me, Gary, and Bob in front of a giant stature of Jesus. The statue is located in front of a Catholic church that sits atop a small mountain in the city. The statue is probably about 80 feet tall, and you can see it from all over town.

Below is Bob, the Euchre King. Bob likes to call trump and then get Euchre'd. He claims he gets distracted easily, but I think he just gets too tired to think. That thing around his neck is very soft and comfy.

Below is a priceless shot of Howie getting some shut eye on the bus. I got to ride the bus from Torreon to Saltillo with the group, and I enjoyed the extra couple hours of fellowship. Howie is one of the funnest guys around, and is also a great sport when I take unusual photos of him.

This is a picture of me and my friend Amparo. Amparo was a huge help to the guys all week as she translated, assisted with construction, and put up with their general silliness.


At 3:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Euchre! Ach, how I miss having anyone around who knows how to play the same games as me...sorry, that was me being a whiny baby. Glad you got some encouragement from your peeps back home. Later! ~Steph D

At 6:24 AM, Blogger Arnold Austin Jr said...

I took a similar shot of someone sleeping on the way back from our mission trip. She doensn't know yet, so I'll tell you if she's a good sport!

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh - it's great to see you're doing's been a while since our last lunch at Akash India! Keep the pictures and updates coming and keep up the good work!
-Rob Thornton


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