Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Who is this gorgeous girl? Have you seen her before? Does anyone know her name? They tell me she is Neva, warrior princess, daughter of Le and Bob, sister of Walton and Graham, the two warrior poets, granddaughter of Gigi and Grandaddy, neice of Shua the Mission Bandit. She must be an angel, for her face is too fair to belong to a woman of earth, and her laughter too sweet to have been made by human lips. Brave young kings sail from distant shores to seek her affection, although the time of day she gives them not. She has but one love, and it is cake, and today, on her 2nd birthday, she enjoyed it emmensely. I love you Baby Neva, future queen and possible track star. I wish I could have been there with you to celebrate. In your spare time from saving the world, enjoy your Little People Discovery Village.


Uncle Shua


At 2:25 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Mom, keep working on that Spanish. It is coming along.

Le, I miss you and love you too. Give the kids big kisses for me. Tell Bob he almost got a blog, but his picture just wasn't cute enough.

At 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so one day I was driving up a mountain in a van full of little blue men and a little blue woman. After a 2-3 day drive of expertly navagating my way up the winding roads(and staying in my lane) we reached a remote village at the top of an enchanted waterfall.

At the top we saw sights that no little blue creatures should ever witness.... Among these sights was the rather tall human girl rolling un controllably down the mountain.

While we were buying $5 bottles of water, the evil cat Azrael leaped in ahead of his master, the dreaded GARGAMEL!!!

Azrael started unpretentiously (that's just a cool word) snatching up the defenseless little blue creatures. He locked them in a cage to later be used in Gargamels evil magical experiments. All I could do was grab one little blue man under each arm and run down the mountain for it is faster to run down the side than it is to drive. As a I stumbled down the beaten path I could not help but wonder why I was so incapable of experiencing panic during tense situations. It must have been all of that Monterrey driving that Josh taught me.

When we reached the bottom of the trail we refreshed in the cool waters of Calo de Caballo. As a said my sad farewells to only two surviving blue creatures, I shed a tear for I had grabbed two boy creatures and they could therfore not multiply and repopulate their species.

Although they missed their friends and family dearly they rejoiced in the fact they they at least had survived the horror that was Gargamel's cat. With this new found strength to carry on they skipped off into their mushroom village skipping and singing, "Lalalalalala Lalalalalala"

And this, sad but true, is their story.... and the reason they canceled the show.

At 4:48 AM, Blogger Josh said...

B.J. - That is by far the craziest, longest, and most insanely ridiculous blog comment I have ever read. For those reasons, and those reasons alone, I will leave it on my site. By the way, I know you were on my computer searching for Gargamel. One question...who is the second blue smurf?

At 9:29 PM, Blogger BeeJ said...

HA you think you're so smart! I so was not looking for it on your computer..... if you actually read our surveys.... which I handed to you before we got back to your place... you would see that it was on there. and I feel very honored to have my creative ramblings left on such a prestigious(sp?) site. Have a great day! Missin' ya already!

At 9:31 PM, Blogger BeeJ said...

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At 5:05 PM, Blogger BeeJ said...


The Smurfs are tiny, blue creatures who live in mushroom houses in a village hidden in the forest. Smurfs are blue, three-apples tall, and speak a dialect which makes heavy use of the word "smurf". The root word "smurf" is used extensively as a noun, verb, and everything in-between; "what a smurfy smurf, Papa Smurf" would not be an uncommon sentence. There are over 100 Smurfs inside the Smurf Village. The Smurfs are led by 543-year-old Papa Smurf, a good and powerful wizard. Each Smurf is assigned a task in the village, according to their ability and the needs of the community. Smurfs live peaceful lives in harmony with nature. The word "Schtroumpf" (Smurf) is the Flemish equivalent of the English language colliquial

here are their names you figure out which the "second" one is.

Papa Smurf
Lazy Smurf
Handy Smurf
Brainy Smurf
Clumsy Smurf
Tailor Smurf
Farmer Smurf
Dreamy Smurf
Harmony Smurf
Painter Smurf
Hefty Smurf
Vanity Smurf
Jokey Smurf
Poet Smurf
Grouchy Smurf
Baker Smurf
Greedy Smurf
Snappy Smurfling
Slouchy Smurfling
Nat Smurfling
Sassette Smurfling
Baby Smurf
Grandpa Smurf
Nanny Smurf
Clockwork Smurf
Tracker Smurf
Wild Smurf

At 7:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, so maybe you are a little over the top but she is stinkin adorable. :P

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

she is beautiful. what a precious lil one. hope your having fun with the georgia group, nothing beats texas but i guess if its to bring glory to God its ok. later-

At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ kristen by the way

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Thanks Kristen. Things are going great with the new group, although the girls who have taken over my apartment (I am sleeping on the floor at a church) have managed to break two doors, a mirror, a lightbulb, and have once flooded and once clogged a toilet. As you can tell, we are having fun. Tonight is another cultural exchange at THE OCHO, so you can pray for that. I am going to email you all this weekend when I finally will have some time to breathe. Talk to you soon.

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh- Although you and I have never met I have been reading along and I just wanted to say I think you are an amazing man of God. What you are doing is wonderful! It's always encourging as a new founded christian to know that there are people like yourself out there bringing others to Jesus. Thank you Alisha

At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Josh, I think it's time for a new post...I mean really :-)
~Steph D.

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Okay Steph, I think you're right. I have been BUSY! Get over it. Just kidding.

My final group of Spring Breakers just left yesterday afternoon, so now I have time to post.

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Josh said...


Thanks for reading along. It encourages me that you are encouraged by my blog. Stay strong.


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