Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Waterfall

After the awesome Bungee experience last Saturday, Nolan, Al and I walked up to the waterfall known as Cola de Caballo, which means tail of the horse. As you can see in the picture below, the water cascading down over the rocks actually looks like a horse’s tail.

Before I continue on with the story, I would like for you to take a look at the next picture, and try to figure out what Nolan and I are pointing at. You will probably figure it out later in the story, but it will be fun to try to guess right now.

Okay, now that you have ventured a guess, here is the story. We decided after checking out the waterfall that we would hike up to the top. I had been up there before, and knew how to get to the point where the water comes cascading over the edge. Nolan and Al were both interested in checking it out. After a short hike, we found ourselves standing at the top of the falls. We were greeted by a guy from Sweden and two of his Mexican buddies, who were swimming in the shallow pools. They left soon after we arrived, leaving us alone at the top. Below is a picture of me standing at the top of the waterfall.

As you can see in the photo, my pants were a little wet. After walking around in the water for about twenty minutes, and taking a bunch of pictures of each other, we decided we wanted to swim. The only problem was that we didn’t want to get our clothes soaking wet because we still had a pretty long trip ahead of us to get back to my apartment. Since there was no one else around, and it is pretty difficult to find your way to the spot where we were, we decided to go swimming in our underwear. Below is a picture of Nolan and I getting soaked in the cold mountain water.

After taking this picture, I had to climb down from the falls. In the process, two things happened. First, a Mexican guy and his girlfriend appeared above us at some smaller falls. The guy looked at three guys standing there in their underwear and waved. Fortunately, I don’t think his girlfriend saw us. The second thing that happened was that I got extremely muddy on my climb back down around the falls. The following picture is me trying to get clean as Nolan goes to dry off.

At this point, we were getting hungry and the park was closing, so we decided we should head back towards town. The other guys put their clothes back on and were obviously uncomfortable as their soaking wet underwear made their pants look like they had had an accident. I decided I was going to be smarter and “go commando” on the way home. After getting back into my clothes, I was attempting to wash the mud off my underwear when the force of the water ripped them out of my hand and quickly launched them over the edge of the falls. If you haven’t guessed by now, the thing Nolan and I were pointing at was my underwear floating in the spectator pool beneath the waterfall. I hated to leave them there, but I thought it was probably safer than claiming them. I never would have guessed when we got to the park that I would be leaving my underwear there in the water, but hey, life is full of surprises!


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Arnold Austin Jr said...

I see your underwear to the right in the last shot. You crack me up. I am dying laughing.

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Arnold Austin Jr said...

Susie said that the Boxers or Briefs question is settled.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Josh said...

It is normally boxers, but when you are going bungee jumping, briefs are a must.

At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh, Josh, Josh....
You make me laugh and you make me cry!!! Keep up the great work and many blessings your way.

Love ya--Juli from Weatherford

At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

josue loco! only you would voluntarily put a picture of yourself in your underwear on the internet. :P but hey, at least yall had fun. chao~charlita

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


actually, more like repulsive

you should def keep your shirt on at ALL times if you want to keep the ladies around

At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh I think you are hot.


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