Sunday, April 23, 2006


This morning I visited a place the likes of which most of you will never see. It is called Alianza (Spanish for "Alliance"), and to say it is the poorest section of Monterrey is like saying Alaska is the most northern state in the U.S. I took pictures and video for about a half hour, and spent about 45 minutes playing with some kids who had gathered for a weekly Bible school that is held on Saturday mornings. Most of them live in houses with dirt floors, no bathroom, partial roofs, and walls made of scrap wood, metal or any other material that can be found. They play on dangerous streets and in dusty lots littered with everything imaginable. Many of their dads are in the prison that is a few kilometers away, and it is obvious they are starving for attention and affection from a father figure.

The government has begun to help out a little bit in Alianza, and has built a new school, a small medical clinic, and a community center where they teach the adults to read, write, cook, and care for their children. There are also several churches that are doing mission work there, but with a population of 30,000 there is a lot of work to do. In between getting hugged, tickled, and having my hair pulled by 15 or 20 elementary aged kids, I let them take turns using my camera, and then looking at the pictures on the screen. It is amazing what little things can make a kid's day. I have promised to print out some pictures to give them when I return, and I am looking forward to the next time I can visit. My buddy Al goes there each week to lead a Bible study for several moms in the neighborhood, and I will probably start tagging along whenever I can.

The youth group from my home church in Kentucky is going to be working in Alianza in July, and I look forward to what God is going to do during that week. There are a lot of hurting people there, a lot of people who need hope, a lot of people who need Jesus. Whenever the kids in Alianza are taking a picture they throw their right fists in the air and shout "Arriba los niƱos de Alianza!" which means "Rise up children of Alianza!" I pray that these kids would be able to rise up out of their circumstances and surroundings and become all that God created them to be, and I hope I can somehow be a small part of helping them do it. Arriba!


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Arnold Austin Jr said...

Arriba, for sure.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger BeeJ said...

those pictures make my heart skip a beat. I've been in places like that. Yet the kids were 10x happier than the kids I know around here.

Hope things are still going well. been praying for ya....

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Wow, they are beautiful kids. The conditions aren't too different from here in Haiti. There is never a night that it rains that I am not extremely greatful that I don't have a thatch roof and dirt floor. It really changes you not just to see places like that but to be a part of their world and get to know their little hearts.

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just wanted to say hi and i hope you are having an amazing week! praying for you my friend!

At 2:13 PM, Blogger legge's said...

photos make me cry... the smiles are GREAT! thanks for being jesus with skin on to these little guys...cj


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