Saturday, March 25, 2006

Loving my job.

It hit me on Thursday night as I stood on the landing outside my apartment door talking to three 19-year old wanderers. It was something I had felt a coule of times before since arriving in sunny Mexico, but as the students and I talked and laughed and exchanged views on life, it became perfectly clear that I have the best job in the world.

My job isn't easy. I don't make much money. My apartment is my office and my hours are 24/7. I am trying to learn a new language, new culture, and new city. Sometimes I sleep on the floor. I am often up really late and many times I am up really early. Sometimes my apartment gets taken over by Mexicans, and other times by crazy college students from Georgia. In the last week I have had to kick down two doors, twice clean a flooded bathroom, and share 2 showers with eight to ten people. Why do I love it?

I love it because of Thursday night, because of guys with names like Checo, Oraldo, and Mano. I love it because of guys that showed up at my party looking to find some girls, and left asking if we could get together next week to talk more about Jesus. I love it because of Luis, who I had breakfast with Friday morning, and who I am going to play basketball with Monday night. I love it because of Salvador, who is asking how to find true satisfaction, and who wants to reload his I-pod with more of my rockin' Jesus music. I love it because of Gil, who is being draw to God in ways he doesn't even know. I love it because I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is what I was created for, this is what I was made to do.

I have the best job in the world because lives are being changed in front of my eyes, and it is so evident that it is not me that is doing the changing. God is at work here in Mexico. He is drawing people to himself, and he had blessed me abundantly by allowing me to be a part of that. God is at work where you are at as well, and he wants you to be part of it. It's what you were created for. Join Him in the task. I bet you'll love it too.


At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God for placing you where you are supposed to be! He has placed gifts, talents and passions in your heart and provides abundant joy when you are using them to bring him glory! Praise be to God!!!
I encourage you to read Psalm 18:30-36. Have a marvelous week!

At 11:43 PM, Blogger BeeJ said...

Your mom sounds great

I love your job too. infact I am planning a hostile take over. So be on your guard.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger legge's said...

Thanks for the absolutely ON FIRE post! We are going to refer others to this post in our upcoming blog post as a means of inspiration/ encouragement to open their hearts to The Mission.

You said it so well...

Sharing Christ in Saltillo,
Paul & Carol


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