Wednesday, May 31, 2006


This is the first time I have been online since lunch yesterday, with the primary reason being that a thief or thieves broke into my apartment yesterday afternoon while I was at the store and stole a few things, including my computer. Please pray that God would use this situation to His glory, even though I am really angry and frustrated about it right now. I know He is sovereign and in control, but I am really wanting vengeance, plus I would love to have my things back. I realize that vengeance is the Lord's and I will probably never see my things again, but please pray that I would be able to quickly resume my work and that I would quit walking around wanting to maim, kill, and destroy.

Until yesterday I had never been robbed. I am still pretty mad about it. It isn't so much the money, it's the fact that some chump had the audacity to break into my apartment and steal my things. This wasn't just some expensive junk that insurance can cover. They stole a very special watch that my parents had given me. They stole my computer that contained over five years of work, including papers I have written, letters I have sent, and priceless pictures and videos of family and friends. They took my backpack, just so they could stuff my things in there and carry them off more easily. They took my PlayStation as they walked out the door (not that I care), but didn't even grab the controllers or power cord. All in all, they probably spent less than 60 seconds in my apartment. The leading suspects are some guys who were working at our building yesterday, or possibly someone that knows me, which really gets my blood boiling. If you have ever wondered what it is like to be robbed, it is enormous frustration coupled with a few shots of rage. Fear does not enter the equation. I actually hope they come back, while I am home. Anyway, please pray that the thieves ("ladrones" in Spanish) would repent and come to Christ and also pray that this situation would not distract me from the work God has called me to in this place. I will update you soon on more positive happenings. God is still on the throne.


At 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Josh... I just wanted to say hey and see how you are doing. Please know that I am sorry about what has happened and I pray that the Lord will use this for his glory and that you will be filled with an unexplainable joy and peace. i hope you are doing wonderfully other than that!

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Arnold Austin Jr said...

Lo Siento.

Several missionaries have been robbed (and mugged) here a language school. I can't imagine the emotions.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry this happened to you!! It is hard when the people group you are trying to reach out to and help- does something like this to you. It is hard to stay focused and really remember why are are here!! Remember that this was one person- and that not all Mexicans are like this. May the Lord use this for His honor and glory!! Thank goodness for Adams and Associates!! I know they can't retrieve the videos... but, fun memories can be recreated again. You and Nolan will have to spend another night on the mountain!!!

At 5:43 PM, Blogger BigJoe Jacobs said...

Man, I'm sorry to hear about this. I am praying for you. Don't let the anger take hold. I know how easy that is. The enemy wants to use this to steal away your joy...Don't let him.

At 12:38 AM, Blogger Josh said...

Hey everyone, thanks for the encouragement. I am just about over the anger, and I am moving on. I appreciate all of the well wishes and prayers. More updates will be coming soon.


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